Gypsii, a new social networking site launched at a phone industry trade show this week in Barcelona, is raising the online stalking bar yet again.
Specifically, Gypsii's new technology uses cell phones as tracking devises, so social networkers can know the exact whereabouts of their friends at any given time. It's compatible with sites like Facebook - allowing users to share their location-specific information with their network of friends.
Call me a little paranoid - but I don't think I want people to know where I am at any given moment. Not only is this technology big brother-ish - but it just seems to be a bit annoying.
Again, for me this gets back to the why. Why would I want my friends, co-workers, or aquaintances to know I'm heading up 5th Avenue at 3:42 p.m. on a Wednesday?
Just seems like overkill.
Of course I'm all about this one. What a cool idea! It isn't necessarily about stalking, Technorella. A lot of the allure for me is convenience. What if I was trying to get somewhere and my phone could just tell me how to get to you because it could read your gypsii location or whatever? AWESOME!
Thanks for passing this along :)y
I totally understand the convenience factor of Gypsii's technology, Eddie. But what happens when you tell an innocent white lie to a social networking "friend" about your whereabouts and get caught in it?
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