Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's been a while...

Apologies for the blog hiatus: work has been crazy and Technorella was traveling this past weekend. But, thanks to Eddie Radshaw I'm back in the game. This article on CNET talks about the upcoming launch of Publish2 - a social network for journalists.

Publish2 will launch this spring. It's goal:

Publish2 brings together the most interesting and informative news headlines on the web, from mainstream and blog sources, on a wide range of topics. These headlines are chosen by journalists across the country, making Publish2 one of the most trustworthy, informative, and interesting news sources on the web.

According to the article, Publish2 "aims to bolster journalism by giving newsrooms and journalists the tools to save articles from around the Web and network with others in the field."

Hmmm. It really does look like highly targeted social networks on on the rise. But on the flip side, Facebook continues to promote itself as the "go to" social network. I'm curious to see whether the tide goes the way of specific, mini networks or a "one size fits all" approach. Maybe it will be both. I personally can't fathom finding the time to be part of multiple social networks... but maybe that's just me...

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