Monday, April 7, 2008

Sending shockwaves through my social network

This is why I am too old for Facebook (yes, Technorella just turned 28). So, the other day I rather innocently updated my Facebook profile. I changed my picture, edited some of my "favorites," accepted new friends, and removed my "dating status" from my profile.

The rationale behind said dating status change was not anything significant; I'd accepted a couple of friends from work and didn't want to be broadcasting that kind of information to my co-workers.

But, no sooner than I'd deleted it from my profile than I received a series of Facebook messages (and text messages) about it. My friends wanted to know: was I still single?

Seriously. I'm not trying to be a grinch, but I'm just not that calculating of a person. I wasn't trying to say ANYTHING by deleting my dating status. My goal was to say less, not more.

So... apparently I need to be more careful with my Facebook profile. I guess the smallest moves online can have massive consequences...

1 comment:

BlackArgent said...

Our information now has to be Opted Out or else it's all public and open to all the nasties in cyberspace. But what's really creepy is what happens when one speaks up on a polarized topic. There's a war going on with one gaming discussion group because of cheating, which wouldn't be so bad if not for the malicious use of the Report button. People's profiles are dropping like flies.