Long story short, when we got home, my roommate made the bold (and relatively novel) decision to completely eliminate her Facebook profile. Just like that, she's gone from the online social networking world.
Her reasons? She simply didn't feel like she wanted the whole world to know her business. Most of her Facebook "friends" were completely superfluous from her "real world." She was tired of being subject to online stalking. Nothing major prompted this decision, mind you. Really, she just didn't see the value of it anymore.
As much as I rant about the validity of Facebook "friendships," I have to admit - I'm TOTALLY not ready to give it up. Maybe I'm becoming an addict, or maybe I find it a fun distraction from time-to-time. Either way, for me, it's kind of like once you start, you can't stop. Apparently my roommate felt otherwise about her weak social ties...
Yes and last night you forgot to mention I almost freaked out when I saw your status change. Maybe you should write about being so coy, eh?
I will totally write about being so coy... not to fear, Eddie!
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