But sometimes she has a soft spot - as indicated by the following reaction to a Facebook update.
Long ago - when I was in college, and for a couple of years after - I dated one of the nicest, best guys I've ever known. But it just wasn't right and I ended up breaking his heart pretty badly. We don't talk much; I like to stay friends with exes, but it just didn't work out that way with this one. We're Facebook friends and that's about it.
Sooo... I was just checking out Facebook, and looking at my recently updated friend profiles. And this ex - we'll call him Fred - had an update that said: "Almost 6 years to the day since an earthquake woke me up in the middle of the night."
He lives in Chicago now - and the profile refers to last night's Midwestern quake. It also refers to a mini-earthquake that happened when we were together in undergrad in Vermont.
It was just the smallest thing... but I'm not sure anyone else would have had the same reaction to his profile update as I did. I was there with him for the Vermont earthquake... and it made me think about our relationship for the first time in a long time. Part of me wonders if he knew I'd read it... part of me thinks it was just a passing comment. Either way, I guess this is the first time a Facebook interaction with someone who used to be in my life kind of got to me in a real way. Not to sound too sappy or anything...
OMG5000, you have a heart?!
Anyway, I just noticed I was defriended by an ex. I am heartbroken.
Yes, Eddie, it might come as a shock, but beneath my calm exterior (HA!) Technorella does indeed have a heard...
WOW. A de-friend. That's hard to take. I've never been de-friended...
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