Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Blog...

As usual, my Sunday blog entry is more personal than not. But hey, it's been a big weekend.

So, a friend of mine from my old job was in town on Friday. We worked together in Washington, DC but now he lives in Philly with his wife and two kids. He also changed career paths... needless to say, we don't keep in touch regularly at all - actually it's been almost two years since we last saw each other.

Anyway, we had a great time and promised to be better about keeping in touch in the future. And I got to thinking about how things would be different if we were part of an online social network.

This guy is 38 - and definitely not a Facebook user. But our social interaction would have been extremely different if he were! If he had photos of his kids posted on his site, for example, I'd know much more about how Bryson and Catherine were doing. To me, it was a glaring example of how social networking sites truly do shape "real world" interactions.


Eddie Radshaw said...

Surely there must be some oldies somewhere using Facebook-- I wonder who the oldest person on the site is?

Miranda Duncan said...

There are totally oldies on Facebook; my friend's freakish mother-in-law has a page and she's in her 60s.

That said, I think it drops off pretty hard-core after 28 or 29... but maybe that's just my circle. Maybe I'll look for some stats on age...